This guide will give a plugin overview of Wave Link.
Table of Content
Wave Link - Input Actions
You can choose from 3 different input actions, Set, Adjust, or Mute. With each action, you can adjust the Monitor or Stream Mix.
Set: Select and choose different Wave Link Inputs, such as Voice Chat. Set the exact volume or have the audio fade smoothly over time
Adjust: Fine-tune a Wave Link input value up or down by step size. Set static or have dynamic volume sliders that adjust in real-time.
Mute: Mute or Unmute different Inputs for the Monitor or Stream Mix.
Wave Link - Output Actions
Output Actions gives you complete control over your audio by muting, preset values, or fine-tuning on the fly. Fine-tune or mute your Monitor/Stream mix.
Set: Select one of the Wave Link Output Mixes and set the volume. Optional fade times can be set for a smooth transition between volume levels.
Adjust: Fine-tune a Wave Link output up or down by the selected step size
Mute: Unmute or mute the Stream or Monitor Mix. Select and choose which mix to control or have them both mute/unmute simultaneously.
Toggle Output Monitoring: Switch between Monitor or Stream Mix.
Wave Link - Hardware Actions
Set or toggle between your playback devices. Change hardware settings such as mic gain, adjust Mic/PC mix, output volume, and more.
Set Output Device: Set your Playback device for Monitor Mix.
Toggle Output Device: Toggle between two playback devices, such as headphones or speakers
Hardware Settings: Control settings on your Wave device such as Gain, Output Volume, Mic/PC mix, and more.
Wave Link - Effect Actions
Select a Wave Link Input and Enable or Disable a single/all Audio Effects at once
Toggle Effect: Enable or disable individual Audio Effects.
Toggle Effect Chain: Enable or Disable all Audio Effects for a selected Wave Link Input to the monitor or stream mix.