This guide will cover the steps for Stream Deck with OBS Studio running in portable mode.
OBS Studio Portable Mode
This guide will not explain how to run OBS Studio in portable mode. A guide for that can be found here.
Version information
This guide is for Windows 11. It may also work on Windows 10, however this has not been verified.
Depending on which version of OBS Studio you use in portable mode, you may not need to do the steps below.
- OBS Studio 29.0 or earlier - These steps are not required. The Stream Deck plugin will load automatically when OBS Studio runs in portable mode.
- OBS Studio 29.1 or later - Follow this guide
Stream Deck Plugin Set-Up
1) Download and install the latest version of Elgato Stream Deck -
2) Open Windows File Explorer, and at the top, enter
then press enter
3) Navigate to the folder obs-studio
> plugins
> StreamDeckPlugin
> bin
> 64bit
4) Copy the files StreamDeckPlugin.dll
and StreamDeckPlugin.pdb
5) Open the OBS Studio portable folder and navigate to obs-studio
> obs-plugins
> 64bit
Paste the two files you copied into this folder.
6) Go back to the ProgramData folder located at C:\ProgramData
> obs-studio
> plugins
> StreamDeckPlugin
7) Enter the Data
8) Copy these files:
- The folder called
9) Go back into your OBS Studio portable folder and navigate to data
> obs-plugins
10) Create a new folder called StreamDeckPlugin
11) Paste the files you copied into this folder.
12) The setup is complete. Launch OBS Studio in portable mode.
To verify the Stream Deck plugin has been correctly installed, in the navigation menu, click on Tools, and you should see Elgato Stream Deck.
Select Elgato Stream Deck to see the version and connection information.
Updating the OBS plugin
Since the StreamDeckPlugin.dll file has been moved to the portable location, it will not automatically update.
To update the Stream Deck Plugin for OBS Studio, you will need to repeat the steps above under Stream Deck Plugin Setup.