You can stream Elgato Game Capture HD video by using a 3rd party applications called XSplit and OBS (Open Broadcaster Software).
Elgato Game Capture HD supports these streaming applications for Windows only.
By default, there may be an audio delay between what you are saying during streaming, into a microphone, and what's actually appearing in the video stream. Your commentary may not exactly match the gameplay, unless you make a simple adjustment.
Adjusting Audio Delay in XSplit Broadcaster
Check to make sure you have XSplit Broadcaster version 2.3. You can download it from here:
You will also want to make sure you have Elgato Game Capture HD software version 2.10.67 or higher for Windows. The latest software can be downloaded here:
To adjust the delay:
1) Open up XSplit Broadcaster.
2) At the top, click on "Tools", then "General Settings":

3) In the General Settings window, click on "Audio".
4) In the Audio Settings, check the "Delay" box under "System Sound" and "Microphone" and set the value for both to 650ms, which is the average delay of the Elgato Game Capture HD60.
You may need to experiment to find the correct delay value settings, as different devices, computers, etc may affect the delay.

5) Once you have set the delay, click "Apply", and "OK".
6) If you are using a webcam, you will need to delay it as well, by the same amount as the microphone.
7) Right click on your webcam source in XSplit Broadcaster:
8) Set the delay to the same delay as the microphone:

Adjusting Audio Delay in OBS Broadcaster
Check to make sure you have the latest version of OBS. You can download it from here:
You will also want to make sure you have Elgato Game Capture HD software version 2.10.67 or higher for Windows. The latest software can be downloaded here:
To adjust the delay:
1) Open OBS.
2) Click on "Settings" at the top left, and then click on "Settings" again:

3) In the Settings, click on "Audio".
4) In the Audio Settings, set the Mic Offset to 650ms for the Elgato Game Capture HD60.
5) Once you have set the delay, click "Apply", and "OK".
6) If you are using a webcam, it needs to be synced to your voice.
7) Right click on your webcam source, and click on Properties:

Elgato Game Capture HD supports these streaming applications for Windows only.
By default, there may be an audio delay between what you are saying during streaming, into a microphone, and what's actually appearing in the video stream. Your commentary may not exactly match the gameplay, unless you make a simple adjustment.
Adjusting Audio Delay in XSplit Broadcaster
Check to make sure you have XSplit Broadcaster version 2.3. You can download it from here:
You will also want to make sure you have Elgato Game Capture HD software version 2.10.67 or higher for Windows. The latest software can be downloaded here:
To adjust the delay:
1) Open up XSplit Broadcaster.
2) At the top, click on "Tools", then "General Settings":
3) In the General Settings window, click on "Audio".
4) In the Audio Settings, check the "Delay" box under "System Sound" and "Microphone" and set the value for both to 650ms, which is the average delay of the Elgato Game Capture HD60.
You may need to experiment to find the correct delay value settings, as different devices, computers, etc may affect the delay.
5) Once you have set the delay, click "Apply", and "OK".
6) If you are using a webcam, you will need to delay it as well, by the same amount as the microphone.
7) Right click on your webcam source in XSplit Broadcaster:
Adjusting Audio Delay in OBS Broadcaster
Check to make sure you have the latest version of OBS. You can download it from here:
You will also want to make sure you have Elgato Game Capture HD software version 2.10.67 or higher for Windows. The latest software can be downloaded here:
To adjust the delay:
1) Open OBS.
2) Click on "Settings" at the top left, and then click on "Settings" again:
3) In the Settings, click on "Audio".
4) In the Audio Settings, set the Mic Offset to 650ms for the Elgato Game Capture HD60.
5) Once you have set the delay, click "Apply", and "OK".
6) If you are using a webcam, it needs to be synced to your voice.
7) Right click on your webcam source, and click on Properties:
8) Check the box that says Use Buffering, and set the buffer value to the exact same as the Mic Sync offset: