If you are experiencing issues when using your Elgato Gaming capture card, many of these issues can be resolved by completely uninstalling the program from your computer, and doing a fresh install afterward.
This guide will show you how to completely remove Elgato Game Capture HD software from your Windows computer.
This process will not delete any of your existing recordings.
Uninstall Steps
1) Right-click the Windows Icon (aka Start Button) at the bottom left of your screen.
2) Click "Apps and Features".
3) Search for "Game Capture" as shown in the Screenshot below:
5) Select, and click "Uninstall" for the drivers remaining in the program list (Game Capture HD v1.0.0.1, Game Capture HD60 v2.1.1.5, etc.) and follow the prompts to remove the drivers from your computer.
6) Reboot your computer.
7) Download and install a fresh copy of our latest Elgato Game Capture HD software from https://www.elgato.com/en/gaming/downloads
This guide will show you how to completely remove Elgato Game Capture HD software from your Windows computer.
This process will not delete any of your existing recordings.
Uninstall Steps
1) Right-click the Windows Icon (aka Start Button) at the bottom left of your screen.
2) Click "Apps and Features".
3) Search for "Game Capture" as shown in the Screenshot below:
4) Select uninstall on Elgato Game Capture HD.
5) Select, and click "Uninstall" for the drivers remaining in the program list (Game Capture HD v1.0.0.1, Game Capture HD60 v2.1.1.5, etc.) and follow the prompts to remove the drivers from your computer.
6) Reboot your computer.
7) Download and install a fresh copy of our latest Elgato Game Capture HD software from https://www.elgato.com/en/gaming/downloads