To stream to a Facebook Group or Fan Page:
1) You must be an admin that Group or Fan Page
2) The stream must be done through a custom RTMP server, using the RTMP section of Elgato Game Capture HD software.
To start the process, go to:
1) Select Permanent Stream Key so that you do not have to create a new account in Elgato Game Capture HD software each time.
2) Select the group you wish to stream to (you must have streaming permissions).
3) Use Custom RTMP.
4) Add your title (this is done from the Live Create page and must be done every time).
5) Click on Stream in the software and confirm that you are getting video in Live Create.
6) Once Stream has been clicked, you can change the title and tags in our software.
7) Click on Go Live in Live Create.
The Live Create window must be open, and remain open, for the duration of the stream. If this window closes for any reason at all, or is not open to begin with, you will immediately get a Error 500 and the stream will end.