Please note: As of June 12, 2020 this problem should now be solved.
However, if you are still experiencing any issue with Facebook connectivity, please don't hesitate to contact Elgato Support.
Thank you for your continued patience while we worked on this resolution.
Previously Reported Issue (Now Solved)
We are aware of an issue where Live Streaming from Elgato Game Capture HD software to Facebook is not possible now.
This issue started June 4, 2020.
We have been in contact with Facebook over the past few days, working on the best resolution.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and we will update this article when the problem has been resolved.
Potential Workaround Using RTMP
The following steps have helped many users, but may not work in every circumstance.
1) Go to:
2) Press the Create Live Stream button.
3) Select "Use persistent Stream Key" so that you do not have to create a new account in Elgato Game Capture HD software each time.
4) Select on the left "Share to a page that you manage". This will be found under the default which will be "Share to your timeline"
5) Create a new custom RTMP in Game Capture HD by clicking the "+" button in the live streaming section in Game Capture HD.
6) When creating the RTMP connection you will need your Server URL from Facebook and your Stream Key from Facebook.
7) You may choose whatever Account name you wish, this will be used to identify your stream in your listing of connections.
8) Customize your stream title and settings.
9) Add your title to your stream in the Game Capture HD software so people can identify your stream when live.
10) Click on Stream in the software and confirm that you are getting video in Live Create page.
11) Once Stream has been clicked, you can change the title and tags in our software.
12) Click on Go Live in the Live Create page.
13) The Live Create window must be open, and remain open, for the duration of the stream. If this window closes for any reason at all, or is not open to begin with, you will immediately get a Error 500 and the stream will end.