The Stream Deck software can back up all profiles that have been created. It is suggested that this be done regularly, especially after making major changes so that in the event that profiles should become corrupted or otherwise inaccessible all work is not lost.
Create a Stream Deck Profile Backup
1) Open the Stream Deck software and open the Settings
2) In the Settings, click on the Profiles tab
3) Click on the down arrow at the bottom right of the Profiles window and hover over Back up All, then click on Create Backup...
4) A File Explorer window will come up. Here you can select where the backup file will be saved, and rename it. By default the backup file name will include the current time and date.
Once a location has been selected, click on Save
5) The Stream Deck software will export the profiles backup to the selected location.
Import a Stream Deck Profile Backup
1) Locate the backup file with the file extension .StreamDeckProfilesBackup
2) Double click on the backup file
3) The Stream Deck software will ask if you'd like to import the backup. Importing a backup will overwrite existing profiles
4) Select Restore to continue importing the profiles
5) The profiles will be imported and a profile will be automatically selected
Automatic Profile Backup
Starting with Stream Deck 5.3, profiles now back up automatically every time you update the Stream Deck app. This ensures you never lose unsaved profile changes.
Use the import profile backup instructions above to import the backup if needed.
On Windows, the backup is saved at
C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Elgato\StreamDeck\Backup
On Mac, the backup is saved at
/Users/[your username]/Library/Application Support/com.elgato.StreamDeck/Backup