Pairing Ring Light to a Wi-Fi network can be done using an iOS device. Compatible iOS devices include iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
Ring Light is controlled using the Control Center software for macOS, Windows, iOS or Android
Visit the Downloads page, and select Control Center.
If you want to use it with your iOS device, you can get Control Center for iOS here:
After you have Control Center on your PC, Mac, or iOS device, then complete the following steps.
iOS Pairing Steps
1) Open the Settings on the iOS device.
2) At the bottom of the Wi-Fi settings, under “Set Up New Device” select Ring Light.
It will have a name Ring Light with four random numbers or letter behind it “Ring Light 8385”
3) Select the network that Ring Light will be paired with. Then hit Next
4) Ring Light will now pair with the selected network. If pairing is successful, the setup window will show “This accessory joined [Your Wi-Fi network]"
Ring Light will now show in Control Center on Windows, macOS, iOS or Android.
If Ring Light is not found by in the Wi-Fi settings, the Key Light needs to be reset.
To reset Ring Light follow these steps:
1) Press and hold the power button in the ‘II’ position for 10 seconds, until the light blinks 3 times.
2) Release the power button and wait 5 seconds.
3) Now turn on Ring Light by setting the power button to ‘I’.