This guide will walk through a first-time setup with Wave Link on macOS.
Table of Contents:
Below are the requirements for using Wave Link on macOS.
- macOS Catalina 10.15 or later.
- Wave Link 1.10 or later.
Wave Link can be downloaded at
A compatible Wave Link device:
- Wave:1
- Wave:3
- Wave Neo
- Stream Deck +
- Stream Deck + with XLR Dock
Installing Wave Link
1) Disconnect your Wave device if it is connected to your computer.
2) Download Wave Link from
3) Once the download is finished, install Wave Link.
4) After the Wave Link installation, connect your Wave device and Allow access.
Configuring Your Wave Device
Wave devices are automatically added as an input to Wave Link. To edit the microphone's hardware settings, click on the area where the icon and name are displayed.
Name: Rename the Wave microphone input.
Input level: Real-time indicator of how loud the sound is captured by the Wave device.
Gain: Adjust the gain or input volume of the microphone
Output volume: Adjust the output volume of the headphone port on the Wave microphone
Mic/PC Mix: Adjust the mix ratio between real-time monitoring of the microphone and sound coming from the PC via USB
For example, setting this to 50/50 means that both real-time monitoring of the microphone and the USB sound from the PC are sent to the headphone output at the same volume.
- To only listen to sound from the connected PC, set the slider to the right
- To only listen to the real-time monitoring of the microphone, set the slider to the left
Enhanced Low Cut Filter: Enable or disable a low cut filter that removes low frequencies under 120Hz from the microphone signal. To achieve a podcast/radio voice the enhanced low cut filter should be disabled.
Clipguard: Enable or disable Clipguard, the anti-lipping technology built into Wave:1, Wave:3, and Wave XLR. It is recommended to keep Clipguard enabled at all times.
Wave Gain Lock: Enable or disable Wave Gain Lock to prevent applications from automatically lowering or raising your mic levels.