Please follow the steps below, to uninstall your Elgato Camera Hub software for macOS.
All preferences and supplemental files will be deleted as well.
How To Uninstall Elgato Camera Hub
The Elgato Camera Hub Uninstaller for macOS can be downloaded here:
1) Launch the Uninstall_Camera_Hub.pkg.
Depending on your Security & Privacy settings in the System Preferences, you may need to give the Uninstaller permission to launch:
Please Note: All preferences and supplemental files will be deleted as well.
2) After you press Continue, you can select Install.
If it's not automatically detected, you may be asked to select the destination of the uninstall - the drive where Camera Hub is installed.
If you didn't quit the Elgato Camera Hub application, click Close Application and Install:
3) Enter your user account's password when prompted by the installer:
4) Success! Elgato Camera Hub has been Uninstalled.