Here are the changes in 4K Capture Utility 1.6.
You can download 4K Capture Utility 1.6 by clicking on the link below.
- Hardware drivers are available here.
What's New in 4K Capture Utility 1.6.
Live Commentary
Live Commentary is back and better than ever. You can now record your voice alongside game audio.
Your microphone audio is always recorded as a separate audio track, meaning you can adjust levels in your video editor. Mic volume too low? Turn it up a bit. Game volume too loud? Turn it down a dash. Now you have total control.
Live Commentary tracks are automatically added to the project file that is created with every recording. You can go into your library, right click on a video and select Open project file with to open an installed video editor, and the game video track, game audio track and microphone track will appear in the video editor timeline.
Input gain and monitoring settings let you adjust the microphone volume and listen to the microphone input. If your microphone sends a single channel or mono audio to 4K Capture Utility, you can use the Mono Downmix option to center it across both left and right audio channels.
In the library view, there is a new visual indicator that shows which recordings feature Live Commentary, and you can choose to sort accordingly.
General improvements
- Separate option in Preferences to specify screenshot directory
- Improved performance when loading and filtering the video library
- Various bug fixes and improvements