Most of our products are shipped from our warehouses in Duluth, GA or San Bernadino, CA, depending on availability and your location. The transit time is between 1 to 6 days for ground shipments, depending on your address.
What warehouse does my order ship from?
Elgato products in North America ship from Duluth and San Bernadino, so please look at the maps below for your state and product category; we try to optimize delivery within three days of the delivery state if possible.
For example, if you are ordering from Wyoming, you would primarily refer to the San Bernadino map, as we can guarantee 3-day shipping from that warehouse consistently.
Shipping Time
- Standard (3-5 Day Shipping)
*Same-day shipping applies when the product order is made and available for shipping before 2 pm local time in each of our hub's regions. This is covered in more detail below.
Estimated standard transit time from San Bernadino, California
Refer to the picture below for estimated times from San Bernadino, California:
If you place an order before 2 pm PST, the order will typically ship out on the same day. We tend to process orders quickly; if it's sent to our warehouse by that time, they will ship the same day.
Estimated standard transit time from Duluth, Georgia
Refer to the picture below for estimated times from Duluth, Georgia:
If you place an order before 2 pm EST, the order will typically ship out on the same day. We tend to process orders quickly; if it's sent to our warehouse by that time, they will ship the same day.