Serial and Model numbers contain information about Elgato products that can be used to help provide more accurate Support.
They are typically preceded by "Model" and "Serial No." and are printed next to some other reference information and certification logos.
The Elgato product’s packaging will also have the serial and model numbers printed on it as part of a barcode label on the box.
If you no longer have the original packaging, or are not sure where to find the labels – please refer to the list below of typical locations of these stickers:
• Cam Link 4K: On underside of the device.
• Cam Link Pro: Sticker on the rear of the circuit board.
• Prompter: Turn the back of the Prompter towards you and the serial number appears to the right of where you attach the L bracket.
• Facecam / Facecam MK.2 / Facecam Pro / Facecam Neo: On underside of the device (May have to move mount to view).
• Game Capture HD60 S / HD60 S+ / HD60 X / 4K60 S+ (External Capture Cards): On the underside of the device.
• Game Capture HD60 PRO / 4K60 (Internal PCIe Capture Cards): Sticker on the rear of the circuit board; the opposite side to the metal heat sink.
• Wave:1 / Wave:3 / Wave XLR: On underside of the device.
• Wave DX: On side of device (between swivel mount and logo), printed near the bottom of the microphone.
• Wave Neo: On bottom of the microphone stand.
• Green Screen / Green Screen MT / Green Screen XL: No serial number, model number on underside of the screen.
• Key Light / Key Light Air: Printed on the rear of the panel.
• Ring Light: Printed on the rear of the black mounting / control block located at the bottom side of the Ring Light.
• Light Strip: On the back of the device.
• Key Light Neo: On back of device, remove the USB cord holder to view.
• Stream Deck / Stream Deck MK.2 / Stream Deck XL / Stream Deck +: On the rear side of the Stream Deck; opposite the buttons.
• Stream Deck + USB Hub / Stream Deck + XLR Dock: Etched on the bottom of the device
• Stream Deck Mini: Model number on the base; serial printed on the right hand edge.
• Stream Deck Pedal: On the underside of the device.
• Thunderbolt Docks: On the underside of the device.
• Video Capture: On the back of the device.