Stream Deck has a library of thousands of high-quality royalty-free Sound Effects that can be added to keys for instant playback.
This guide will go over how to find, download and use Sound Effects.
- Stream Deck 5.0 or newer
Setup Steps
1) Open the Stream Deck Store
2) On the left side of the Store click on Sound Effects
3) This will open the Sound Effects tab
4) Searching for Sound Effects can be done by:
Use the categories filter to show Sound Effects in that categories.
Use the duration slider to find a track between a minimum or maximum time.
Music can be sorted by various options
If you know the specific name of a Sound Effect you can search for it by name at the top right of the store window.
5) To preview a Sound Effect, click on the play button or click anywhere in the track timeline
6) Once you've found the perfect Sound Effect, click on download.
7) Now close the store
8) Find the Play Sound action in the action list on the right side of the Stream Deck app.
9) Drag the Play Audio action onto a key
10) In the action's property inspector click on the file browser button to open the system file browser
11) The system file browser window will automatically open to the location where Sound Effects are saved.
12) Double click on the Sound Effect which was just downloaded or select a previously downloaded Sound Effect.
13) In the property inspector of the Play Audio key the playback behavior, volume, output device, and icon can be customized.